Basic Philosophy


        Basic original fundamental philosophy

        Always of the dominant caste hindus,

        Have been hide and rule from behind

        Pair of slippers placed in the throne !


        Placed harmlessly in offices of power,

        Masks faces and namesake individuals

        Personalities considered just innocent

        Appealing acceptable to poor masses!


        Not real leaders but only dummy faces

        To fool simple people in different parts

        Of large illiterate backward Country,

        And sell them as good honest leaders !


        Make People believe any false leaders

        As if they can develop deliver liberate

        Change modernise reform the Society,

        And bring a total new fresh dream life !


        Raise hopes in the poor simple masses,

        Of beautiful future as the new leaders

        Lift from  poverty and backwardness

        Misery morass and muddle the Nation !


        Help dominant castes come to power,

        Though always are absolute minorities!

        Capture power offices and institutions

        Of all importance in the Governments !


        Loot silently all the offices institutions,

        For the private benefits of themselves

        Families friends castes communities,

        Terribly costing People and Country !


        For easy and comfortable personal life

        At cost of the Nation Society Masses,

        Take creative works efforts produce

        Of honest hard working simple People!


        The one single objective aim and goal,

        Everyone in offices of power privelege

        Profit is in and out of the Government,

        Clearly is to swindle loot defraud cheat!


        They are out to rob people of wealth

        Power produce food house and work

        Creations cattle land other belongings

        Capture women and ruin the children !


        Wanting to enslave young and the old

        Men and women their mind and body,

        So that they can continue also in future   

        Without working their lives of comfort!


        Enjoy really life of plenty and leasure,

        Without ever any little strain stresses,

        Not shedding any sweat blood tears,

        Soiling hands like their soiled brains !


                                                               -A Dalit Poet


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