Running Behind


Running behind any one and any where in any field!

Gets you nothing in life, hence don't ever run behind

The brahmins and baniyas you will get nothing in life

Never in anyfield at anytime and anywhere anything!


You will always be running only behind them for ever

You could never catch up with them ever in any field,

If you do catch them ever they will stop running as if

There lies nothing ahead and it is the end of World!


The same fellows silently without telling anyone and

Without even any simple indication warning signals

Will then start running away suddenly in another field

Totally in another new direction and in different track!


You should therefore stop running behind them all

Enough is enough of this endless long mad chasing

Neglect them completely if they ever start running

In any new track or field let them go ahead running


Stop not the caste hindus and chase them not in life

Stop not the slavish Dalits or waste not your energy

Stopping sold-out Dalits and let running DCHs run

Chasing Dalits chase them don't waste time on those


Let us now stand out apart silently choose new track

A new field for ourselves totally an unexpected field

Where we can all run freely and by ourselves ahead

Like forgotten Buddhism Baba Saheb chose at last!


Let that be totally grand or fresh and small new track

Good or totally bad area but free We must from all

Evil dominant caste hindus like those our ancestors

Old unlettered uneducated opted for new Religions!


Let others run behind us if they do want to catch up

We can also surprise all these dominant caste hindus

Choosing for ourselves completely fresh new sphere

A brand new area where We can move far ahead!


Let us therefore look out for new avenues openings

Opportunities and breaks like our forefathers chose

Ventured out as labourers in new lands with colonial

Ceylon Burma Indonesia Malaysia Singapore so on!


Like many of our ancestors chose to free themselves

From rural feudal landlords then to sweep scavenge

And took to leather work let us throw ourselves out

Of hindu village folds to New Areas or New Lands!


Whatever we may chose let that be totally fresh one

Grand or small new track a good or totally bad area

But free We must from all evil dominant caste hindus

Like those of our unlettered uneducated ancestors!


                                                                    a rebel Dalit


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