TV Spoilt Dalits


The idiot-box world over is for the idiots

But sadly here the idiot-box in this Country

Is in the firm grip of the cunning brahmins

And other dominant caste hindu officials

Same caste hindu private media elements

Who as could be expected use it to fool

Enslave minds and thinking of stupid Dalits!


The subversive and dominant caste hindus

Dominating all the media and programmes

Come up with exceptionally all perversive

Dramas seriels soap-operas and cinemas

Unrealistically stupid also brain-washing

Vertually dangerous and very provocative

To spoil the minds and thinking of Masses!


So taken up and influenced by the Media

Particularly the dramas and serials of TV

Vertually many stupid women and children

Live in the artificial world of these dramas! 

Living whole day in front of the idiot-box,

Not doing any work at home whole day,

Reading or doing any school home-work!


Armed with all fresh supplies of new ideas

Reinforced by the knowledge of the roles

Played by hero or heroin, villian or vamp

In the stupid programmes on the idiot-box,

Waiting spouses wait to outsmart outbeat

Their own role models and overdo the part

Played by the hero heroin, villian or vamp!


The rejuvenated spouses looking for action

Often pounce on the unsuspecting spouses

And on the spouses used to such tantrums!

Returning home from offices and outside,

At the silghtest of excuse or provocations

To pick a fight and quarrel only to practice

Newly honed histrionic talents dialogues!


Many hopeful spouses coming home after

An harrowing or taxing or tiresome work

In offices factory or outside the whole day

Hoping for some rest and peace at home

Walk in often only to be met by the hostile

Spouses to be ravished harassed further

Or to be silenced, rue the day of marriage!


Sadly at times the totally harassed spouse

Don't go silent or digest the wild reception!

Unable to control do loose temper flare up

Have a bitter painful or big damaging fight

Only to boil with-in and sulk in the end!

Spoiling peace at home wasting everything

For the whole day and the entire evening!


                                                    a worried Dalit! 


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