Reasons for problems


The basic reason for all the problems in this Country is Caste

And the continuing brahmin domination over all the masses

Fully supported and sustained by the dominant caste hindus!

The bitter truth is that the brahmins are only three percent -

But are still controlling the Govts holding all levers of power!


Today brahmins strongly supported and backed by baniyas

Who only are around just double the numbers of brahmins

The crumbling once dominating arrogant ruling kshatriyas

Are around the same numbers as the enterprising baniyas

Really are a very very small negligible part of this Country!


All the dominant caste hindus taken together in Indian Society

Are in total not more than ten or twelve percent of the Nation

But keep controling and manipulating everything everywhere

They don't like and keep exploiting all other people arrogantly

For their own economic benefits and survival in this Country!


Out of arrogance antagonism prejudices biases and enmity!

All dominant caste hindus around discriminate SC&ST Dalits

Every one of the minorities and all the other backward classes

Whom traditionally historically over the ages and generations

For millenniums they hated exploited swindled and looted!


They killed burnt-alive maimed looted raped and oppressed!

Kept them  forever and everywhere completely suppressed!

How then one can expect the same brahmins and the baniyas

Or the kshatriyas would now change turn honest and humane

Towards the Weaker Sections of SC&ST Dalits or others?


When the whole of caste hindus with their courts in the lead 

Criticise openly Govts for attempting to develop SCs&STs

With the brahmins antagonistic towards the SC&ST Dalits!

How can we believe in the development of whole Nation!

With caste hindus even now at helm of affairs everywhere!


Whom are they fooling trying to cheat even after fifty years

Of bad personal visible experiences all around the Country?

Dalits won't believe in them anymore for the Davelopments!

Dalits have to now take up every responsibility themselves

For their own development as in any good fair Democracy!


                                                                              a Dalit poet


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