Ambedkar, Baba-Saheb, Constitution

That is what we used to be concerned!

Then came Amritraj Borg and Connors

Spectacular tennis playing youngsters

To be watched as the future champions!

Connors and Borg became the best of

World's tennis champions, leaving out

The poor black rough looking Indian

Neglected and discriminated by Govts

Here in this Country for being a Dalit!


Then there was this political capaign

ABC in American Presidential Election

Anybody But Carter then the one most

Unwanted individual for Presidency!

Like the other unspoken similar variety

Then the abrevation ABBM in the USA

Anybody But a Black Man for the Job!

Select a white woman if you can not

Find a suitable white man for any job!

That may actually require a good man!


Finding not even any white woman

Should go for a black woman for work

Whom you can at least control easily

By many fair and other ways in life!

But never choose a black man ever!

We have now here the local version!

ABDM - Anybody But a Dalit Man!!

That is why Women's Reservations!

Now here all of a sudden everywhere!

Let us have it welcome it encourage it!


The dominant caste hindu fair women!

Kept under the leash and strict control!

All these days will at last be out free!

Come in the open amidst all of us here

The multinationals and all foreign firms

International companies and so on on!

They have already lost their controls

Clearly lost themselves and their minds!

Do many wiery things unthinkable

And unseen all these days ever here!


Revolutionarily dressed revealingly!

Scantily and neglecting many things!

Will soon produce many mixed breeds!

Officially openly publicly on the record

Offsprings than the dreaded brahmins!

What Baba Saheb wanted in last days!

Scared brahmins afraid of awakening

Dalits and the OBCs their Reservations

Growing Political Activism and Power

Are now will-nilly freeing their women!


The frail dominant caste hindu women!

Freed from the grips of homes at last

To get for their men more power money

In liberalised economy amidst poverty

Will find themselves competing fiercely!

In a market competing in every respect 

Letting loose all the limits of business

In the cut throat economic upmanship

That will spare none respect nothing

No rules no morals no limits no lines!


a crude Dalit!


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