Let us build


We Dalits are not human beings

We are worse than street Dogs

In the eyes of all Indian People!

The Christians and the Muslims;

Nobody like us everyone hates

Everyone here wants to hurt us;

Let us always remember these!

Everywhere and at everyplace!


We can never come to power!

Can never reach the top really!

All alone ourselves anywhere!

Don't have the power strength

Stamina support and sponsers

By ourselves to capture power;

We need some friends or allies

To survive and come to power!


Oh brahmins kshatriyas baniyas

Will never allow us grow really!

Their erstwhile free social slaves

They will like us only as puppets

Under close scrutiny tight leash!

Minorities can not come with us!

For long too far or allow us free!

To grow up beyond them ever!


We need the alliance of equals!

Equally poor backward and big

Large in numbers to be a force!

Really in political polling booths

That could only be the OBCs!

Who fight with us as we fight!

To hurt us on behalf of DCHs

As part of the forces of castes!


We will have to build bridges of

Friendships and understandings

And a new trust of cooperation

Both get out of grips of DCHs!

Go out of the brahmanic forces

Castes and the evil caste system

Let us Dalits OBCs get together

We will now build new bridges!


Let us join hands in friendship!

Inspite of all brahmins the BJP

Mayawathi and her Dalit image!

Of being untrustworthy people!

Reject all the brahmin promises

Of all their support cooperation

Full help as they are temporary

Only for their long term benefit!


a friendly Dalit


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