Access to information


All the wealth have been created

By Nature and working people!

The physical labour of workers!!

All developments were feasible!

Because of the honest thinking

Creative minds of many of those

From working classes of people!!


All reforms and justice in society

World over have become reality

And possible only by exposures!

Of the frauds and manipulations!!

Cheating robbing and swindling!!!

By all those at the helm of affairs!

Whom people trust and believe!!


Those who come serving people!

Called upon to work for Nation!!

Often resort to cheating robbing

Lies and swindling out of greed -

Wrecking the society and people!

Leaving injustice suffering misery!

Hence the crying quest for justice!!


Exposures all exposures possible!

Only by access to all information!!

Open free discussions by people!!!

To find truth real truth basic truth!

And Freedom Liberty and Justice!

Possible only by open free access!!

To all information and knowledge!!!


                               an informed Dalit


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