Dalit Unity


            For We Dalits all, the need of the hour

            Is Unity Unity Unity, and total Unity

           Yes Unity Harmony and total harmony

           To bring and bind us together as Dalits

           Unified strong united and purposeful

           To resist fight and defeat our enemies

           Exploiters oppressors subvertors cheats

           Parasites and frauds living on our blood!


           But We are divided and badly divided

           Fractured into millions of useless bits

           Fragments pieces and dusts of no value

           Without Unity Solidarity and Strength 

           To be easily crushed trampled by others

           Wasteful nameless meaningless masses

           Who can be forgotten or dispensed

           Neglected brushed aside very easily!


           Cheap Labour Lives Slavish People

           Large masses divided and divided

           On castes and sub-castes, job rivalries

           On party ideologies, anti-left debates

           On States squabbles, villages, areas

           On linguistic basis and hindi factor

           On meaningless semantic problems

           On petty petty very small non-issues!


           Divided always on these non-issues

           Fighting for those petty small reasons

           Which all at no time and in history

           Were never for us or in our interest

           Ever could be of any use for any of us

           Never going to pay us any dividends

           Help any manner or move us anyway

           Get any reward or prove of benefit!


           Many differ also from one another

           On personal interests foolish faiths

           Realizing bit not for even a moment

           Never here can We gain individually

           Reach or achieve anything in our lives

           Position placement success or gains

           However smart shrewd successful

           Capable We think personally We are!


           Our Leaders all nominated false ones

           Favour seekers worming their way up

           Wreckers of existing false leaders

           Or hopeful honest ones in the making

           Not genuinely homegrown amidst us

           Or fully rooted amongst our people

           Hold only personal private interests

           Build stupid family dynastic dreams!


           These selfish leaders disunited they are

           Keep us already divided further fighting

           Endlessly amongst ourselves for ever

           For no reason no end and no purpose

           To serve their interests party agenda

           Own political benefits and benefits

           Without anyway helping us individually

           Or our own poor Dalit Communities!


           The useless leaders now cheating us

           Make use of us all to gain as a whole

           From the still exploiting brahminic

           Parasitic caste hindus and supporters

           Let us be aware and also be beware

           Of our enemies from within ourselves

           Our own enemies have always been

           Dangerous,  and more dangerous!


           Sure some of these leaders definitely

           Are more divisive and dangerous

           But some some now are destructive

           Very very dangerous and poisonous

           Specially danger has become specific

           On emergence of a few individuals

           Great rabble rousing tigers in public

           But weak selfish themselves within!


           One need not name them to tell you

           Everyone know them pretty well now

           Only often We are not honest to speak

           We are dishonest divided petty small

           Like all our Leaders don't speak out

           The truth to suffer, suffer our People

           Not help the Community to Liberate

           At least future generations to come!


                                                              a Dalit Poet



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