Corrupt Dalits – No!


We were proud when our neighbouhood Dalit

Got through the school thanks to scholarships!

Enrolled in a professional course in the college

Later landed in a good Govt Job, both thanks

To Baba Saheb's Programme of Reservations!


Glad we were, all did indeed hope something

Good happening, and already a star was born!

Sad we were soon to find nowhere our friend

In our midst anytime anywhere any occassion!

Even to share with us good days of our lives!


Consoled ourselves thinking all by ourselves!

Our friend is so important and so busy to even

Find some sparetime for social get-togethers!

We were so proud so proud and all so happy

That we never even doubted anything amiss!


We forgot sadly to notice that our friend now

Regularly keeps the company of all brahmins

Regular to the clubs and parties of the baniyas

Eager to be in the company of big kshatriyas

Close to all those kayasths in offices of power!


Our heart sank the day we realised our friend

When we meet in office or home or elsewhere

When being sweet, really shuns us deliberately!

Has the feeling of having been born to rule and

Actually greater than Baba Saheb Ambedkar!


We were also shocked to realise that this star

Had grown to be a shameless begger asking

Each and everyone something or other bribe!

Poor Baba Saheb did he strugle for all these

Ungrateful self grandoising cheats and frauds?


                                                   a barefoot Dalit


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