Education mystery


Govts with all their huge machineries

Planning Commissions and ministers

Secretaries Directors of Education

DEOs AEOs Principles Professors

Head Masters and Head Mistresses

All the Teachers and the Mistresses

Claiming to be all educated qualified

Merritorious experienced experts

Regular very good decent salaries

Could hardly educate the Children

And bring in literacy in the Society

Instead they turn out as useless fools

Our Children entrusted in their care!


See all those Christian Missionaries

From distant lands of far off shores

Who had come to the remote areas

Still unknown places of the Tribals!

To the poor backward SC hamlets

In coastal areas interior hinterlands!

Have long back brought education!!

To all those SC&ST Dalits deprived

Education accumulated knowledge

Of letters reading writing and books!

Is this really an unexplained mystery?

A wonder or continuing conspiracy?

Of evil brahmanic world of castes??


                                an educated Dalit


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