Failing again


All these frauds - the dominant caste hindus!

Talking big about themselves as born great!

Where were they just about fifty years ago?

What education did they have if at all any?

What were they all doing during those days?

If not begging stealing robbing and cheating?


Came with Freedom thousands of the jobs

Which also they stole swindled took away

Without education experience knowledge

Without leaving any thing for other people

Such rascals they now speak about merrit

And talk about things against Reservations


These traditional historic frauds parasites do

Being jealously intollerant now ask questions

SC&ST Dalits' and all OBCs' qualifications

Minimum education knowledge experience

To take up various works join Govt Service

For livelihood and public service in the Govts


Why had they forgotten their fathers uncles 

Grand-fathers and others who joined direct

As Professors Judges with only BA or MA

And Law Degrees alone without experience

Well they occupied thousands of Govt Jobs

Then monopolised the whole Govts alright


Where do the minds now of all stupid Dalits

Go even as hundreds of so many New Jobs

Of Controllers and Regulators are created?

With the privatisation of many many sectors

Why can't they bring in the best of all Dalits

To appoint in the places at least these days?


Perhaps still they are slaves wanting to serve

Caste hindus by appointing retiring fellows

From dominant caste hindus or the brahmins

Till they die out even after their retirements

In some office some where and some place

Whether important and useful or insignificant 


Dalits else are too stupid to waste chances

To appoint only third rate useless fellows

Vagabands parasites street hangers around

Corrupt cheap characters fixers and pimps

And loose again rare precious opportunities

Now to build all SC&ST Dalit Communities


                                                  a Dalit observor


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