The brahmanic evolution


The nomadic crude cruel barbaric evil brahmins who all settled here

Seeing comfortable civilised  liesurely pleasant life of our forefathers!

Never knew how to live settled peaceful life in a placeon their own!


Not knowing the art of a settled life unwilling to work or till the earth

Physically strain themselves ever to till the land to farm and husband!

Chose to continue worshipping the whole earth as a mother goddess!


Unaware that gods could not ever produce and cook food for them

The brahmins therefore perfected the businesses of begging cheating

Looting all people for their own survival food wealth house comforts


As they perfected this into an art, a fine art of living without working

Begging took the form of praying, cheating took the shape of trading

Looting itself took birth as valour of these crude nomadic barbarians!


With time and futher specialisation the brahmins branched off sooner

Into compact specialised groups of brahmins becoming hindu priests

The baniyas as being the traders and the kshatriyas only the warriors


These are the reasons why brahmins never wanted to teach anything

Of their knowledge of living easy comfortable lives also with liesure

Without working themselves at all or earning anything for their living!


Those knowledge and specialisation of begging cheating and looting

Which they taught to themselves as children of dominant caste hindus

They keep perfecting through their lives to pass on to next generation


Foolish isn't it therefore to call ever such brahmins priests as learned

And also knowledgable people scholars and teachers of the country 

Even when their knowledge was always parasitic exploitative danger


They never taught anything to anyother people at anyplace in the life

In fact they never had knowledge or scholarship of any work or life

They were only a  burden on the people threat to the society nation


That is why they speak of all their poor vedas gods and goddesses

Who just don't understand people their languages needs aspirations

Need as translators interpretters the brahmins alone to talk to them


The brahmins prefer to talk with all gods goddesses in dead sanskrit

What their vedas really are or say no one still understands or knows

So no one can question and challenge brahmins of their foolishnesses


                                                                                     a resenting Dalit



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