What a Graduate Bhangi should do?
Destruction of Buddha Statues
Topic: “Caste consciousness of OBC may fall prey to Brahminism.”
"Due to brahminism, caste consciousness is getting strengthened, to counter it Mulnivasi Conciousness will have to be implemented in Society"
- Mr. Karnabhai Maldhari (Gujarat)
"Arya brahmins are chanalising the caste consciousness in the interest of themselves".
- Mr. Versibhai Gadhavi, Jamnagar, Gujarat
"Caste is not a society, but a tool of brahminism to divide the society. Strengthening caste will strengthen the brahminism more"
-Mr. Waman Meshram (National President BAMCEF)
“From where shall I begin counting my sorrows”
Andra Pradesh 3 State convention Reporting
“Mulnivasi Sangh Debate Session.”
"Due to the concept of Mulnivasi, today we are in action and our enemy is in reaction. Previously it was vice-versa.
- Dharmesh Gajbhiye, National convenor, Mulnivasi
Why Brahmins Hate Reservation?
-Periyar E. V. Ramasami
NewsArya Brahmins teacher following unconstitutional shastras