Mulnivasi Valimiki Caste Liberation Second National Conferece held with Garnd success at Jalandhar, Punjab
Second Mulnivasi Valmiki Caste Liberation National Conference
The Network in Punjab State has speeded up and will soon Cover all the districts
- Mr. Waman Meshram, (National President BAMCEF)
BAMCEF is the only oragnisation which can liberate the indigenous bahujans from the slavery of Brahmins
- Mr.M. S. Bahal, (London)
BAMCEF's 18th National convention
Propaganda regarding Kashmir in the media is result lf the Prejudiced mentality against the muslims
Mr. Mohd. Ramzan (J&K)
The high caste Ashrafs among the muslims are conspiring against converted shudra muslims
Ali Anwar (Patna, Bihar)
Telling their own history to the shudras and generating the feeling of mulnivasi is necessary
Mr. Waman Meshram (National President BAMCEF)
Homage paid to Vasant Moon
To publish the unpublished Writing and speeches of Dr. Ambedkar will be real homage to Vasan Moon
Mr. Waman Meshram (National President BAMCEF)
Mulnivasi Employees Welfare Rally
Signature Campaigh Started from 14th April 2002
Mulnivasi Officers, Advocates, Doctors, Engineers and Pensioners National Conference "APPEAl"